Kavin's SOA Blog

June 30, 2009

Error: Remote request refused because authentication is not configured

This error can occur because of wrong configuration at opmn.xml. OPMN supports remote requests to other OPMN servers in the same cluster, but for security reasons all process control requests (start, restart and stop) are only enabled if SSL is enabled in the opmn.xml file and a wallet file is configured. If neither SSL nor a wallet file are configured, OPMN will reject any remote process control request with HTTP code 403."

To fix this, 

  • Make sure the rmi connectivity against the remote OC4J instances is working.
  • Make sure the OC4J instances are configured using only one nic card ip address. If not edit rmi.xml at

ssl-port = "23943"

where <localhostname> is the localhostname, as it is defined in /etc/hosts associated to you
local ip address

  • Make sure you have configured SSL authentication is implemented.

<notification-server interface="ipv4">
<port local="6100" remote="6200" request="6003"/>
<ssl enabled="true" wallet-file="$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ssl.wlt/default"/>

  • Restart OPMN

June 22, 2009

Error: Missing ormi[s]://:

Filed under: Configuration, Debugging — Tags: , , — Kavin @ 12:44 pm

The issue is related to Sun’s JDK bug when using JDK 1.5 with IPv6 enabled. http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6206527

To implement the solution,

  1. Set the command line option -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true in the oc4j java-options for both start and stop categories.
  2. Restart the server. After restart you should not be seeing these error any more.

June 18, 2009

Error: Cannot load page due to truncated or corrupt class

Filed under: Debugging, Setup — Tags: , , , , , , — Kavin @ 12:30 pm

One of the reason for it could be some hiccup while applying patch.

I would recommend comparing ORACLE_HOME\bpel\system\services\lib\orabpel.ear file sizes in your ORACLE_HOME. In fact, you might want to go trough tedious process of making sure that all files mentioned in post.sh [or .bat] are updated correctly.

  1. Compare $ORACLE_HOME/bpel/system/services/lib/orabpel.ear with $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/$CONTAINER/applications/orabpel.ear
  2. Delete any EAR file if present in $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/$CONTAINER/application-deployments/ folder
  3. Check if size of $ORACLE_HOME/bpel/system/j2ee/orabpel.ear equals $PATCH_HOME/files/bpel/system/j2ee/orabpel.ear. If not then move $ORACLE_HOME/bpel/system/j2ee/orabpel.ear to backup directory and copy $PATCH_HOME/files/bpel/system/j2ee/orabpel.ear. You might need to run additional steps as per post.sh (or.bat) file.
  4. Check if size of $ORACLE_HOME/bpel/system/services/lib/orabpel.ear equals $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/$CONTAINER/applications/orabpel.ear. if not then move $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/$CONTAINER/applications/orabpel.ear to backup folder and copy the one from $ORACLE_HOME/bpel/system/services/lib/orabpel.ear
  5. Repeat same process for hw_services.ear and other files in post.sh (or.bat) file.

June 15, 2009

Enable ASControl application

Filed under: Configuration — Tags: , , — Kavin @ 12:23 pm

If you want to move your ascontrol application from an existing OC4J to new one, you need to do something more than simply starting it on one and stopping on another. You have to set ohs-routing which can’t be done from EM console.

  • Edit server.xml located under $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/<oc4j container name>/config and set the start attribute to true

<application name="ascontrol" path="../../home/applications/ascontrol.ear" parent="system" start="true" />

  • Edit default-web-site.xml and set ohs-routing to true. If the ohs-routing parameter does not exist then you don’t have to do anything.

<web-app application="ascontrol" name="ascontrol" load-on-startup="true" root="/em" ohs-routing="true" />

  • opmnctl  reload / shutdown / then startall

June 11, 2009

Response: Remote request with weak authentication.

Filed under: Configuration, Debugging — Tags: , , — Kavin @ 12:16 pm

The ‘weak authentication’ message means that ONS is using the default wallet (or some other demo wallet) that ships with the product. Note that this wallet is a DEMO-only wallet, and is not secure! For security it is necessary to configure a real wallet for use with OPMN. You will need to either create a real wallet to replace the existing demo wallet, or to configure OPMN to use one that has already been created for another component, such as Oracle HTTP Server.

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